transfer used car gift between family members ontario

(Ontario)-Transferring car ownership.
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Need to transfer ownership for family. Importing car from US as a gift.
If you are selling a used vehicle privately in Ontario, you must purchase a Used Vehicle Information Package
Buying and Selling a Used Vehicle in.
Need to transfer ownership for family.
Reviews: ·TekSavvy DSL (Ontario)-Transferring car ownership between family members Hi All, I tried to read on the MTO website on how to transfer car ownership
Private Sales of Used Motor Vehicles.
Transfer vehicle ownership between family.
transfer used car gift between family members ontario
Culture & Society - How To Information |.
Welcome to the complete source of information about licensing in Ontario From the ServiceOntario offices (Formerly Drivers & Vehicles) located at:
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My Father-in-law in the US is giving us his 2006 Odessey as a gift and is driving it across. I've looked into the process of importing it but the GST
Payment of Ontario Sales Tax (PST) on.

I am contemplating selling our second car to my sister - is it required for her to transfer the ownership to her name and pay the PST / have it
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It’s crazy how un-well documented the process is for transferring car ownership between family members in Ontario. My dad is passing off his car to me, and there