initrd bootsplash

Gentoo Forums :: View topic - RAMDISK:.
HowTo: Revert from grub2 to Legacy Grub..
Gentoo Forums :: View topic - The Gentoo. Debian Themes Gentoo Forums :: View topic - RAMDISK:.
Docs, Howtos, Tips & Tricks "Edit 09.11.08 Updated for latest - see last thread on page 5. Edit 05.27 " · "tiny question: Isn't the realtime
"The Gentoo Framebuffer, Bootsplash & Grubsplash How-To (now updated for 2.6.x kernel " · "Emerge media-gfx/bootsplash (graphical backgrounds for frame buffer
initrd bootsplash

raavo wrote 3 years ago: reply: Dear All, I just finished compiling 32bit kernel version and am happy to announce it works with Slax 6.2.0!
Installer un démarrage graphique.
Gentoo Forums :: View topic - The Gentoo.
Comment bien installer, configurer, utiliser, administrer, personnaliser et optimiser une distribution Debian GNU/Linux; Précédent: Suivant
Just managed to solve it! After much searching I found a post stating that bootsplash only works in 16K colours, and so after changing the vga= line to 0x31A
Debian User Forums • View topic.
Update und Installation mit YaST2 "Hallo! Auf meinem Lenovo 300 N200 habe ich ein upgrade von 11.2 auf 11.4 vorgenommen " · "hi, ich hab ein "ähnliches
Edit thread closed. Information available at Sorry it took so long for the tutorial to be approved. Thanks for you patience
initrd bootsplash
Slax forum: how to recompile the slax.demiurg wrote 4 years ago: reply: I'm trying to recompile the slax kernel with kvm support. I downloaded all the sources from
Plymouth Boot Splash .